In Querying yet another client who has found her work/life balance, I discovered some of her sage advice. To those who have moved or moved back to Lincoln for a do-over, Julie says…say YES to everything!
Whether it is a lunch meeting with a former acquaintance, an interview with a company you know little about, an opportunity to volunteer for a non-profit, say yes every time! Julie attended the Steve Case Entrepreneurship bus tour forum this last fall and reached out to the winner of $100,000, the Omaha company LifeLoops for an opportunity to meet. An opening there could be in her future!
Give yourself time to contemplate the resulting opportunities and move on to the next connection!
She also recommends “Get a Life Coach!” Really…I didn’t prompt her on this one! She has felt that the suggestions, challenges and encouragement that I have offered her have moved her ahead! Good to know!
So get out there and take some risks! Call that former co-worker, attend a meet-up group, join a LinkedIn group.
The energy you put in will sow many dividends for you!